Occupational therapy clinics


Clinic information
ClinicLocationDay and frequencyContact
Achondroplasia clinic Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital  

Monday (2nd and 4th week of month)

020 7188 9427
Adolescent rheumatology and pain clinic Penguin outpatient unit, St Thomas' Hospital Thursday (2nd and 4th week of month) RhEve@gstt.nhs.uk
Complex feeding clinic Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital Thursday and Friday

020 7188 7188

ext 56227

Chronic pain clinic Penguin outpatient unit, St Thomas' Hospital Monday RhEve@gstt.nhs.uk
Complex motor disorders clinic Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital Monday to Friday (day case model) 020 7188 8533
Complex neuro-developmental clinic Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital Daily 020 7188 4624  
Congenital upper limb clinic  Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital As required based on referral by plastic surgeon 020 7188 9261
Epilepsy clinic Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital Wednesday morning 020 7188 7188, extension 53277
Neuromuscular clinic Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital Tuesday morning (1st week of month) 020 7188 9261
Orthopaedics pre-assessment clinic Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital Weekly, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 020 7188 9427
Rare bone conditions clinic Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital Monday morning (1st and 3rd week of month) 020 7188 9427
 Rett clinic Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital Monday afternoon (2nd and 4th week of month) 020 7188 9261
Rheumatology one-stop-shop clinic Penguin outpatient unit, St Thomas' Hospital Wednesday RhEve@gstt.nhs.uk
Skeletal dysplasia clinic Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital

Thursday afternoon (1st week of month)

020 7188 9427
Evelina REACH Crocodile classroom, 2nd floor, staircase D, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital


020 7188 9427
Stroke clinic (joint medical and occupational therapy clinic) Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital

Thursday (one each month)

020 7188 4648
Stroke and acquired brain injury clinic Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital


(two each month)

020 7188 9427
Upper limb movement therapy clinic

Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital on Monday and Tuesday

Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital on Wednesday and Thursday


Monday morning

Tuesday morning (4th week of the month)

Wednesday afternoon (1st and 2nd weeks of month)

Thursday afternoon (3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of month)

020 7188 4003
Upper limb surgery clinic Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital

Wednesday afternoon (1st week of month)

020 7188 9427


Tel: 020 7188 9427

How to find us

We run clinics in the on the ground floor of Evelina London, and the Penguin outpatient department, Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre) and Crocodile classroom in St Thomas' Hospital.

Level 0 – Ocean
Evelina London Children's Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

How to get to Evelina London

Penguin outpatient unit
3rd floor, staircase C, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

This department is only accessible via lift/staircase C.

Map of Third Floor, South Wing , St Thomas' Hospital

Children’s Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre)
1st floor, staircase B, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

This department is only accessible via lift/staircase B.

Map of First Floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital

Crocodile classroom
2nd floor, staircase D, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

This department is only accessible via lift/staircase D.

Map of Second Floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital