Physical neurodisability and movement clinics

Clinic information
ClinicLocationClinic days and frequencyStaff
Severe movement neurodisability Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital Weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings Dr Charlie Fairhurst and Susie Turner, physiotherapist
Lower limb movement Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital Weekly on Thursday mornings Dr Charlie Fairhurst, Susie Turner and Anita Patel, physiotherapists
Upper limb movement Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre), St Thomas' Hospital Weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesday Dr Cadwgan and Caron Coleman
Saliva loss Level 0 – Ocean, Evelina London Children's Hospital Alternate Tuesday afternoons Dr Charlie Fairhurst and Dr Anne Breaks, consultant speech and language therapist

More information about our clinics


For the severe movement, upper limb movement and saliva loss clinics, please call 020 7188 4003.

For the lower limb movement clinic, please call 020 7188 4660.

How to find us

We run clinics on the ground floor of Evelina London and in the Children's Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre) in St Thomas' Hospital.

We also run outreach clinics in south London.

Level 0 – Ocean
Evelina London Children's Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

How to get to Evelina London

Children’s Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre)
1st floor, staircase B, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

Map of First Floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital (PDF 219Kb)