Our hospital services


Use the A to Z tool to find out more about our hospital services

1 to 7 of 7
  • Narcolepsy and Kleine-Levin syndrome
    We provide specialist services for children with narcolepsy and Kleine-Levin syndrome.
  • Neonatal care
    Our Neonatal Unit cares for sick and premature babies. It includes the High Dependency Unit (HDU, Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). We also see families in the community at Mary Sheridan House.
  • Neurodevelopmental diagnostic clinic
    We provide a national service for the assessment, diagnosis and management of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.
  • Neurodevelopmental services
    We provide a national service for the assessment, diagnosis and management of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.
  • Neurofibromatosis service
    Neurofibromatosis is an inherited condition that impacts on the nervous system. We are one of the UK's leading centres for the treatment of neurofibromatosis.
  • Neurology
    Our neurology service provides a range of medical services to children with conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord and nervous system.
  • Neuromuscular service
    Our neuromuscular service assesses and cares for children with neuromuscular conditions.
  • Neurophysiology services
    Our neurophysiology service sees children with epilepsy and neuromuscular conditions affecting movement and muscle control.
  • Neuropsychology service
    The neuropsychology service is a team of psychologists who see children with medical conditions that may affect their brain and development.
  • Neurosciences
    Our neurosciences service cares for children with conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord and nervous system.
Displaying 1 to 10 of 12
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