What is it?
This is a rare sleep disorder with irresistible and unpredictable daytime sleep attacks and a number of other symptoms.
Cataplexy, unique to narcolepsy, is a sudden episode of muscle weakness triggered by emotions.
Typically, the person’s knees buckle and may give way upon laughing, surprise or anger. In other typical cataplectic attacks the head may drop or the jaw may become slack.
Cataplexy in children is slightly different and a variety of symptoms and movements including tongue protrusion and involuntary arm movements have been described.
As these symptoms look similar to other neurological movement disorders, it's common to explore a range of other conditions before the diagnosis of narcolepsy with cataplexy becomes more certain.
Clinical services
We're a busy service, running clinics for over 120 children with narcolepsy and cataplexy.
We share care with local services, and then transition these young people at 16 years to our adult sleep services.
We have extensive diagnostic equipment and tests, including inpatient polysomnography and multiple sleep latency testing, as well as HLA and hypocretin measures.
After accurately diagnosing the condition, we work with parents and schools to increase an understanding about narcolepsy and its symptoms.
This becomes crucial around exam times when our specialist sleep psychology service liaises with schools, to provide tailored information
Support groups
Narcolepsy is rare and many children and families might feel they are on their own.
Our peer support groups are popular events where around 10 children and families in particular age bands come together to ask questions, problem solve, and meet others experiencing the same challenges.