Today I'm going to tell you how to use a Tom Thumb heart monitor at home.
How to use thumbs only
Use this for short episodes that are hard to catch.
Turn the device on by pressing the orange button.
Press the start button to start the recording.
The red light will come on and the device will record for 30 seconds.
Place both thumbs on the pressure-sensitive pads, the 2 oval pads on either side of the grey base.
Try to remain as still as possible while making any recording.
And you can see that it's doing a recording there.
It's counting down from 30 again in the corner.
If you wish to take consecutive recordings, simply press the start button again.
Write in the diary once the recording has been taken.
Instructions on how to use electrodes or stickers, for longer or more frequent episodes
Turn the device on by pressing the orange button.
Attach 2 stickers - to the right wrist and to the left wrist.
The sticker might be placed anywhere on the forearm.
Connect the ECG wires into the 2 stickers.
Attach the red wire to the right wrist and the blue wire to the left wrist.
Connect the ECG wires into the side of the device.
These are labelled, nice and easy to remember.
So red for right, and it's got an ‘R’ on it, and blue for left, it's got a little ‘L’ on it.
That’s it.
And then the end plugs in the side here.
So if you have this at home or at school, you can get a teacher to help you set this up.
Alright, press the start button to start the recording.
The red light will come on and the device will record for 30 seconds.
Try to remain as still as possible while making any recording.
And that’s a lovely clear recording of your heart rate there.
If you wish to take consecutive recordings, simply press the start button again.
Write in the diary once the recording has been taken.
You must return the symptom diary card, even if blank.
Returning the monitor to us using a pre-paid return postage bag
To help stop the spread of infection, please dispose of any used stickers and don’t send these back to us.
Using a pre-paid return postage bag, don’t forget to include the diary card with the monitor, even if your child has had no symptoms.
Please take your pack to a Post Office the day the recording is finished, as agreed with the physiology team.
We are extremely limited on monitors, and failure to return the monitor on the agreed date results in cancellations and delays for other patients.
Thank you for watching.