Endocrinology service

Helping children with thyroid conditions and growth or puberty problems

The children’s endocrinology service sees children with problems of the endocrine system - the network of glands within the body which produce hormones. These hormones affect growth and many other aspects of metabolism and the way the body works. The most common conditions are thyroid conditions, growth and puberty problems. We also see children with medical bone disorders.

We hold a number of specialist endocrinology clinics, including:

  • skeletal dysplasia multidisciplinary clinic for families with inherited bone conditions
  • achondroplasia clinic, run jointly with the clinical genetics service
  • metabolic bone clinic for calcium, phosphate and bone disorders
  • paediatric osteoporosis clinic
  • specialist clinics for children with chronic kidney problems affecting growth
  • transition clinics run jointly with the adult endocrinology service at Guy's and St Thomas'.

We also provide a specialist transition service for young people moving from the children’s service to the adult endocrinology service.

The same consultant team also provides services for children with diabetes and see many children with weight problems.

We work closely with colleagues in the community, at King’s College Hospital and in other children’s specialist services to make sure that our patients get well coordinated care.


Tel: 020 7188 7188 ext. 56129

How to find us

We run outpatient clinics in Ocean on the ground floor of Evelina London and the Penguin outpatient unit in St Thomas' Hospital.

Level 0 – Ocean
Evelina London Children's Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

Penguin outpatient unit (PDF 135Kb)
3rd floor, staircase C, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
London SE1 7EH

This department is only accessible via lift/staircase C.

Map of Third Floor, South Wing , St Thomas' Hospital (PDF 135Kb)

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