Our endocrine clinics are held in Ocean outpatients department in Evelina London or in Penguin outpatients unit (PDF 135Kb) in St Thomas' Hospital.
Our transition clinic is held in the diabetic centre, 3rd floor, Lambeth Wing, St Thomas' Hospital.
Endocrine growth clinic
Endocrine growth clinics are usually on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings.
Achondroplasia clinic
Achondroplasia is a condition caused by a change in one of the genes called FGFR3 that results in short stature (dwarfism).
Achondroplasia clinics are usually on the second and fourth Monday of each month in the afternoon.
In the clinic, you may meet endocrinology specialists, geneticists and occupational therapists. Clinic appointments last around 40 minutes.
We run clinics at other hospitals to help children get specialist care closer to home.