Complex epilepsy (tertiary) service referrals


Who can refer

We accept referrals from:

  • the secondary care epilepsy service at Evelina London Children’s Hospital (run by Dr Chloe Macaulay and Dr Kate Irwin)
  • regional clinics in the south east of England.

How to refer

Please address referrals to the department and send by email or post using the contacts details in the box on this page.

Urgent referrals

For urgent referrals, please mark referral as urgent.

Emergency referrals

In an emergency, please contact the on-call children’s neurology consultant by calling the main hospital switchboard on 020 7188 7188.

Secondary care epilepsy service

For referrals to secondary care epilepsy service, please refer on the NSH e-Referral Service using these details:

  • Speciality: Children's and adolescent services
  • Clinic type: Other medical respiratory
  • Service name: General paediatric's referral assessment service (RAS), Evelina London Children's Hospital, RJ1

Referral contacts

Epilepsy service
2nd floor Becket House
Evelina London Children's Hospital
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH