Patch children's community nursing team

We provide services for children and young people up to the age of 15 years in Lambeth and Southwark, who have one of the following conditions:

  • asthma
  • eczema
  • constipation

Our team of children's nurses can help parents, carers, children and young people to better manage their health condition with confidence.

Clinic locations

Your appointment will be either by telephone, video call or in one of the following community clinics:

Who can use this service?

Our team of specialist children's community nurses will see children and young people who have a diagnosis of asthma, constipation or eczema and are registered with a GP practice in Southwark or Lambeth. The team will see children between the ages of:

  • 2 to 15 years for asthma
  • 6 months to 15 years for constipation
  • 0 to 15 years for eczema

How to get an appointment

You can ask your GP for a referral to the team or self-refer by completing a health check online. The Health Check asks about your child's health condition, their general wellbeing, and some family background information. It takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Complete the health check online.

After you complete the health check we'll send you a health support pack by email. The health support pack contains practical information about how you can support your child to manage their health condition.

You can also download the health support packs:

The health check is hosted on a secure platform called REDCap. More information about how our Trust manages health information, including work with partner organisations, can be found on the Guy’s and St Thomas’ website.

Contact us

Phone: 020 7188 2854
