Children's respiratory and sleep unit

Snow Leopard on the Evelina London Children’s Hospital site is a 13 bedded home from home environment, supporting care for children and young people who have long-term ventilation needs (LTV), and those requiring neurorehabilitation and sleep investigations.

Children who come to Snow Leopard often have complex medical problems and are likely to have had long stays in hospital during their lives. The unit helps to ease the move from hospital to home for these children and their families by reducing the amount of medical interventions needed and allowing the families to get ready for discharge. To reinforce this step-down approach, much of the care is given by senior nursing assistants, who are trained in caring for ventilated children. Our neurorehabilitation programmes are goal focused and led by our specialist multidisciplinary therapy team, supporting the recovery of children and young people following brain injury.

On the Royal Brompton site, the respiratory service is world renowned for advances in the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF), and tertiary care for primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) including diagnostics, interstitial lung disease (ILD) and bronchiectasis.

It also offers large non-invasive and invasive ventilation services and we have a severe asthma and nurse-led biologic service. This cohort of patients are cared for on Rose Ward, a 25 bedded inpatient ward which incorporates a four bedded sleep unit.

We have a large team of highly-skilled clinical nurse specialists who work across both sites.