Southwark health visitors make breastfeeding baby friendly
Posted on Friday 28th October 2016

Left to right: Breastfeeding coordinator, Jane Love, health visiting nurse manager, Irene Addo, Councillor Maisie Anderson and breastfeeding coordinator, Clarissa Georgestone proudly display the Certificate of Commitment from UNICEF UK.
Health visitors have received a Certificate of Commitment from UNICEF UK (United Nation's Children's Fund) for their work supporting breastfeeding mums in Southwark. The certificate is the initial award given by UNICEF UK to breastfeeding support services who want to receive accreditation as a Baby Friendly Initiative.
The certificate was presented to health visitors and a breastfeeding peer counsellor from Evelina London Community Services by Councillor Maisie Anderson, Southwark Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health, Parks and Leisure on Tuesday 25 October.
Jane Love, breastfeeding coordinator at Evelina London Community Services, says: “We want to ensure that all mums and babies are supported to form a strong loving relationship, whatever their choice of feeding method, as this will give their baby the best start in life.
"Research shows that breastfeeding protects babies against a wide range of illnesses including diarrhoea, vomiting and breathing problems in infancy and heart problems, asthma and diabetes later in life. Breastfeeding reduces the mother’s risk of some cancers and is also easier, cheaper and simply less hassle than bottle feeding.”
Evelina London's breastfeeding support cafés are open every day of the week across Southwark in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe, Camberwell, Peckham and Dulwich. All pregnant women and new mothers are welcome.
Councillor Anderson says: “The benefits of breastfeeding for new mothers and babies are widely recognised and so I am delighted that the Southwark Health Visiting Service is working towards UNICEF Baby Friendly accreditation. These internationally recognised best practice standards will help to provide support to Southwark mothers who would like to try breastfeeding.”
The Baby Friendly Initiative, set up by UNICEF and the World Health Organisation, is a global programme which provides a practical and effective way for health services to improve the care provided for all mothers and babies.
Find out more about the breastfeeding team and support available for parents in Lambeth and Southwark.