
Phone: 0345 414 1234

If you're calling from your hospital bedside phone, press the 'operator' button on the phone screen.

The customer care team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's free to speak to an advisor.

TV, internet, WiFi and phones

Television and radio

We have a bedside television service, provided by SPARK® TSL. It is available 24 hours a day.

There are a number of free television channels from 7am to 9pm daily.

Hospital radio, BBC Radio 1 to 4 and Capital FM are available through the bedside television service and are also free.

You do not need to register.

Watch the 'How to access free entertainment' video on YouTube.

You can pay for a range of 'on demand' services. These include:

  • television, after 9pm
  • films
  • television box sets
  • audio books
  • Sky Sports and TNT Sports

Content and prices are available at your bedside or you can phone the customer care team on 0345 414 1234.

You can pay for your entertainment package by:

  • using the bedside unit to select how you would like to receive the payment link. This is sent to your smart phone by text, email or QR code. Pay on your smart phone using ApplePay, GooglePay, PayPal or your debit or credit card
  • calling the customer care team on 0345 414 1234 and paying by debit or credit card

Watch the 'How to pay for premium entertainment video' on YouTube for more information.

Free WiFi

Free Wi-Fi access is available for our patients and visitors.

To connect, search for the NHS WiFi network on your device.

Please note that some internet content will be automatically blocked.


Phone calls from the bedside telephone to UK landlines (01, 02, and 03) are free. Calls to mobile (07 and 08) numbers are free for 2 minutes, but you can call back as many times as you like.

Calls to your bedside telephone cost 13p per minute, plus any standard network charges.

Visit the SparkTSL YouTube channel for the bedside unit help guides.

You and your child can bring your mobile phones into hospital, but please keep them on silent mode and be considerate to other patients when using them.

If you've forgotten your mobile phone charger, there is a secure recharging unit available for all smartphones at the Knowledge and Information Centre (KiC). Recharge takes about 30mins to charge to 40%. Please ask at the KiC reception desk.


Phone: 0345 414 1234

If you're calling from your hospital bedside phone, press the 'operator' button on the phone screen.

The customer care team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's free to speak to an advisor.