Stroke support

We work with the Stroke Association to support children who have experienced a stroke, and their families.

Together with children and families, we've created animations about what it means to have a stroke and the steps to getting better.

The films will guide a child through what happens when they have a stroke, who will help them recover and the feelings they might have while they recover.

These videos are hosted on the Stroke Association YouTube channel.

What is a stroke?

This film explains what happens to the body when a stroke happens.


What happens when you have a stroke?

This film explains where you will go when you have a stroke, what tests you might have and what treatments you might need to get better. It also explains why you might have had a stroke.


Getting better when you have a stroke

This film explains who will help you to get better and how they will help.

Talking about having a stroke

This film explains some of the feelings you might have and what you can do when you are feeling sad, cross or worried.

Childhood stroke handbook

We've created a handbook to help you explain to your child what having a stroke means.

It also has advice for parents.

Childhood stroke handbook (PDF 1.13Mb)

Request a hard copy by emailing

Childhood stroke toolkit for teachers

Together with the Stroke Association, we’ve created a toolkit of information and resources for teachers and childcare professionals who supporting children after a stroke.

It also includes care and learning support plan templates and a poster summarising how to spot the signs of stroke (1.27Mb) in a child or young person.

Advice and support

The Stroke Association works in partnership with Evelina London to offer a Childhood Stroke Support Service. 

The service offers information, advice and support to families in relation to health, education, social care and finding local services to meet your needs.  

Childhood Stroke Support Service information and resources

To contact a Childhood Stroke Support Coordinator please email:

Neonatal stroke

We've created a neonatal stroke leaflet (PDF 372KB) for families who have been told their baby has had a stroke around the time of birth. It answers some commonly asked questions and provides an overview of neonatal stroke.

British Medical Association Patient Information Award

The Childhood Stroke Handbook was shortlisted for a Patient Information award and given Highly Commended status.

BMA Patient information awards highly commended logo