Respiratory patient information leaflets

This page lists leaflets produced or used by our department. Each leaflet is reviewed at least every three years to make sure it is kept up to date.

Breathing clinic

Information about the breathing clinic at Evelina London Children's Hospital.

Emotional support during or after your child's hospital stay for an asthma attack

Information about how the paediatric respiratory psychology service can give a family emotional support during or after a child's hospital stay for an asthma attack.

Mepolizumab for asthma

Information about mepolizumab medicine for asthma in children.

Respiratory virus infection and how we manage it

Information for parents on respiratory virus infections. Leaflet includes information on the types of respiratory virus infection, how to test for them, and how to prevent the spread of infection.
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More patient leaflets

For an A-Z list of all our patient information leaflets, please see the parents and visitors section.