We are a team of specialist psychologists who see children with medical conditions that may affect their brain and development. This could be a condition they are born with, or one that occurred during development, for example epilepsy or stroke.
Children are referred to our service for an assessment to see how their condition may be affecting their thinking skills, learning, behaviour and/or emotional well-being. This is called a neuropsychological assessment.
An assessment can help parents, doctors and teachers understand the child’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, the findings of your child’s assessment may help doctors make decisions about medical treatments, help you to understand and manage behavioural problems, or help clarify the type of support your child needs at school.
Children are referred for a range of different reasons, so the assessment is tailored to meet your child’s specific needs.
We are based within the children’s neurosciences department at St Thomas’ Hospital, and have close links with neurology.