Your child's appointment with the neurodevelopmental diagnostic clinic

How do I get an appointment?

You and your child can be referred by your GP or another health professional.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 7188 4624

Before your appointment

Please send us any reports about your child’s health and development, like assessment reports or school reports.

We may send you a questionnaire to complete before your appointment. The information you provide will help us make decisions during your appointment.

Please bring a list of any medicines your child is taking.

Complex neurodevelopmental service clinic room
One of our appointment rooms in the Newcomen Centre, St TRhomas' Hospital.

During your appointment

You and your child will usually see:

  • a doctor
  • a psychologist
  • a speech and language therapist
  • an occupational therapist

Your appointment will last between 1 and 3 hours.

We'll plan the activities for your time at the clinic with you.

A doctor may meet with you to discuss your child's condition, while a therapist talks to your child in the next room.

We may call local services, like your child's school, to ask for information about them.

We'll always ask for your permission before we contact other services to discuss your child. This information will help us make a decision about your child's treatment.

After we've talked to you, your child and any other services, we'll take a 15-minute break to discuss your appointment. Then we'll discuss our findings with you and recommend a plan.

As we are a teaching hospital, students and visitors may be observing us. We'll always ask your permission for them to observe your appointment.

After your appointment

After your appointment, we may need to visit you and your child at home or at school.

Although we don’t usually offer follow-up appointments, we may see your child again if:

  • they need direct intervention for a limited time (we may offer you group or individual sessions at the hospital, over video, in your home or your child's school)
  • we need to work with local professionals who care for your child to make sure they're supported
  • you and your family need more information about national resources

We'll write a report of our findings and recommendations when we've completed our assessments. We'll send this report to your child’s GP and any other professionals involved in their care.


Phone: 020 7188 4624

How to find us

Children’s Neurosciences Centre (Newcomen Centre)
1st floor, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

Map of First Floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital (PDF 219Kb)