Intensive care (PICU) patient information leaflets

This page lists leaflets produced or used by our department. Each leaflet is reviewed at least every three years to make sure it is kept up to date

Emotional support during or after your child's hospital stay

Information about how the paediatric psychology service can give families emotional support during or after a child's hospital stay.

Flexible bronchoscopy in children

This leaflet explains what bronchoscopy is, why it may be necessary and what you can expect if your child has this procedure.

Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Information about what you can expect on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Premature babies - 30wks - information for parents

This leaflet gives information about what will happen if your baby is born prematurely, including the possible problems and procedures.

Transferring your child to a paediatric intensive care unit

This leaflet describes what happens if your child is moved to an intensive care unit by the South Thames Retrieval Service team.
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More patient information leaflets

For an A-Z list of all our patient information leaflets, please see the parents and visitors section.