Inherited white matter disorders service

Evelina London Children’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital have been jointly designated to host the children's inherited white matter disorders (IWMD) centre for south of England.

Rahul Singh and Cheryl Hemingway are the joint leads for this service. We work with:

  • metabolic consultants
  • neuro-radiologists
  • geneticists
  • neuropsychologists
  • genetic scientists
  • specialist nurses
  • a service coordinator

We work with the IWMD service team based at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square when our patients need to transition to an adult service.


Evelina London phone:
020 7188 7188 4001

Great Ormond Street phone: 
020 7405 9200 (ext 0511) 


Opening hours 9am to 5pm