
Tel: 020 7188 6245

How to find us

Ear, nose and throat (ENT) services
2nd floor, Lambeth Wing
St Thomas’ Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

Map to ENT services at St Thomas' (PDF 43Kb)

Your apppointment with the hearing therapy service

How do I get an appointment?

You need to have a referral from your GP to be seen at our clinic. Clinics run Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.

We offer a specialist hearing therapy service to all children with their parents who are registered with a GP practice within the greater London area.

Cancelling or changing your appointment

Please telephone us on 020 7188 6245.

Alternatively you may email us at   

Before your appointment

It is important that your child's ears are clear of wax when you come for your appointment. Wax may:

  • prevent us from performing a hearing test
  • prevent us from fitting your child's hearing aid
  • cause whistling when we fit your child's hearing aid.

If your child is prone to wax build up, please visit your GP or practice nurse to check their ears for wax before you come for your appointment.

What to expect at your appointment

Your appointment will take about an hour. Your child may have a:

  • hearing assessment
  • hearing aid issue appointment
  • hearing therapy appointment
  • balance appointment
  • more detailed assessment of their hearing using advanced tests.

After your appointment

If your child needs a follow-up appointment, we will arrange this for you.


Tel: 020 7188 6245

How to find us

Ear, nose and throat (ENT) services
2nd floor, Lambeth Wing
St Thomas’ Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

Map to ENT services at St Thomas' (PDF 43Kb)