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Fetal cardiology referrals

Who can refer

We accept referrals from GPs, obstetricians and midwives.

How to refer

For a referral to fetal cardiology assessment please download the referral form (Word 144KB) and email it to You can also return the completed form to the postal address in the green contacts box on this page. Referral forms must be legible and fully completed for the referral to be accepted. Incomplete forms will cause a delay to providing the necessary care to your patient.

All internal referrals from St Thomas' Hospital must be telephoned to fetal cardiology on 020 7188 2306. Orders from Epic are not being received by the department.

Reasons for fetal heart scanning

Frequent reasons for referral to our unit include:

  • concerns about the baby's heart at the routine antenatal scan
  • an abnormal heart beat in the baby
  • a family history of congenital cardiac disease (heart problems that are present at birth) in either parent or in a previous child
  • diabetes mellitus of the mother
  • if the mother takes certain medicines, for example medicines for epilepsy or depression
  • a scan performed in earlier pregnancy showed an increased amount of fluid behind the baby's neck (raised nuchal translucency)
  • other abnormalities have been detected in the baby

You can also download a list of fetal cardiology referral criteria (Word 106KB).

Timing of fetal heart scanning

We are able to offer detailed scans of the fetal heart as early as 13 weeks, depending on the reason for referral. This means we can provide early diagnosis or reassurance well in advance of standard 'anomaly scans'.

The most usual time for detailed scanning of the fetal heart is at 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy and in many cases only a single scan is necessary. However follow-up scans will be required if the first scan is performed 14 to 17 weeks and for some referral indications. Full counselling and support is provided if a problem is detected.


Phone: 020 7188 2308 and 020 7188 9201

Evelina London Fetal Cardiology, Department of Congenital Heart Disease
Ground floor, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH