Anne Gordon

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Senior consultant occupational therapist


Area of expertise: childhood stroke and acquired brain injury, rehabilitation, upper limb motor disorders, complex epilepsy, disability evaluation and movement disorders


Anne Gordon is the chief children’s therapist at Evelina London Children’s Healthcare, with strategic leadership responsibility for dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology and speech and language therapy services across Evelina London's hospital and community based services.

Anne also works clinically as a consultant occupational therapist in paediatric neuroscience at Evelina London Children's Hospital.

Anne’s clinical and research interests are in paediatric neurodisability, particularly acquired brain injury and stroke. She has a PhD in paediatric neuroscience and has ongoing research collaborations with colleagues internationally.

Anne runs the child stroke and acquired brain injury recovery clinic, the ECMO outcome clinic, and the Evelina REACH rehabilitation service.

Anne is a member of the Healthy London Partnership (NHS London) Children and Young People's Clinical Leadership Group. She is also a technical adviser to the World Health Organisation collaborating centre at Public Health England in nursing, midwifery and early intervention.  Anne completed a secondment with NHS England, leading a national project scoping children's rehabilitation services and was chair of the rehabilitation and long-term outcomes working group for the national Childhood Stroke Guidelines (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health).

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020 7188 4648

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