Allergy patient information leaflets

This page lists leaflets produced or used by our department. Each leaflet is reviewed at least every three years to make sure it is kept up to date

Allergy service

Information about what to expect from your appointment with the allergy service for children, based at St Thomas' Hospital.

Allergy service - follow-up and discharge

Information about the follow up and discharge from the allergy service at Evelina London Children's Hospital.

Allergy testing blood drawing instructions

This information leaflet describes how to safely use the allergy test blood sampling kit.

Antibiotic challenge

This leaflet explains what happens now that your child has had an oral antibiotic challenge in hospital.

Food challenges and supervised feeds

Food challenges and supervised feeds are tests that are performed in hospital to see if your child is allergic to anything.

Home food introduction

This leaflet gives more information about the home food introduction process.

Immunotherapy treatment with Pharmalgen wasp or bee venom

This leaflet aims to answer your questions about having wasp or bee immunotherapy. It explains the benefits, risks and alternatives, as well as what you can expect when you come to hospital.

Immunotherapy with Alutard

This leaflet answers your questions about wasp or bee immunotherapy.

Managing your anxiety

This leaflet gives advice about how to cope with anxiety.

Meal time strategies

This leaflet gives advice on how to cope with children who are fussy eaters.
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