18 weeks inter-provider transfers

The Department of Health mandated the use of a minimum data set for inter-provider transfers from 1 January 2008.

The pathway data contained within this data is essential in order for receiving organisations to accurately monitor and report patient waiting times.

Inter-provider transfers

Referrals from other hospitals to Evelina London and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust must include a completed inter-provider minimum data set (MDS) or ensure that one is sent within 48 hours of referring a patient.

Download the inter-provider minimum data set (PDF 140Kb).

All inter-provider transfer minimum data sets must be sent to the referral management service at the address below:

18 week inter-provider team
4th Floor
Education Centre
York Rd

or by email to: gst-tr.18weeks@nhs.net

or by fax to: 020 7188 8740

If an MDS is not received within 48 hours of a referral letter, we will contact your trust to request a fully completed MDS.

Please forward any enquiries regarding inter-provider transfers to  gst-tr.18weeks@nhs.net.