October 2022
What attracted you to a career in paediatric physiotherapy?
I have always loved entertaining and keeping children amused, and thought what better use of my skills in the career I love and to work with the population I cherish.
What is the most fulfilling aspect of your work?
The most fulfilling part is when I get a child to have a light bulb moment. When I have managed to explain their condition, for example, the rare bleeding disorder haemophilia, to them in a way that they truly understand it. It is vital that this happens so that they are honest and inform their parents or carers about injuries which may affect their health. This means we can keep them safe and enjoying life.
What piece of advice would you like to pass on to others considering a career in paediatric physiotherapy?
There is no rush to specialise in paediatrics, all the other skills that you gain working in e adults physiotherapy are all transferable and valuable.
What do you see as the key benefits in developing a career in paediatric physiotherapy?
I love that you get to be creative and think outside the box to encourage kids to do what you are asking. You have to make them trust you and like you before they will do anything. They are always full of optimism and see the positives in life, which makes them a pleasure to treat.
What do you see as the key benefits in working in London as an allied health professional (AHP)?
The diversity of the workforce in London as an AHP is amazing, the different people you meet and the opportunity to learn, ranging from colleagues to patients themselves. If you are willing to listen, people are willing to talk to you and share their experiences.
What it’s like to work at Evelina London?
I love it! I started at Evelina London Children’s Hospital in March 2013 within my role as a haemophilia physiotherapist and felt really welcomed by everyone. . After two months of working at Evelina London, I had already decided that this was my ‘forever home’.
I feel incredibly privileged to work for such a forward thinking trust and a hospital that really puts patients at the centre of everything whilst looking after the staff who work here. I have always felt that the voices of the staff have been heard and there is a genuine wish to do better.
What’s your proudest moment?
I have had so many that it is really hard to come up with one. I love working with the kids I look after, I feel like I am an extension of their families. I get to be part of all their achievements in sports, and even get told their GCSE and A-Level results.
The one that does stand out is when I was nominated for the AHP Champion award during the AHP day at the Trust in October 2019. I was there to support the clinical lead as we had nominated her, and there was my name under one of the headings. It came as a complete surprise and I still to this day have no idea who nominated me, but believe me I did try to find out!

Thank you to the children and young people who have so brilliantly illustrated our blog pages.