October 2023
What do you do, Pauline?
I'm a patient access coordinator in the Lambeth looked after children team. This is part of the vulnerable children's department in Evelina London community services.
Before joining Evelina, I was a family intervention practitioner for a local authority. I first joined the Trust in 2021 as part of the cancer data team. I then worked as a patient access coordinator for the community foot health services. When I saw the advert for my current role I knew my experience as a family intervention practitioner would help me care for young people and their families.
What are you passionate about?
I'm passionate about my work with vulnerable people. I'm committed to my work and to supporting people to have equal access to health services.
I'm a trained coach and have recently joined the coaching and mentoring hub at the Trust. I look forward to helping others achieve their goals.
I'm also passionate about my voluntary work. I'm a member of an organisation called New African Families Service, National and International Network (NAFSNIN). NAFSNIN provides information about professional practices from the perspective of African psychology.
What's your favourite part of working in the community services of Evelina London?
I work alongside an incredible team of diverse individuals who are just as enthusiastic as I am. I also have an excellent and supportive management team. We work hard and celebrate each other's achievements.
What has been your proudest moment?
I have several proudest moments. The first is being a mother to my 2 daughters.
The second is being given the opportunity to deliver a presentation about Black History Month to my colleagues. This was a very positive moment for me as it allowed me to highlight how significant Black History Month is, what it means to me as a Black woman who grew up in the UK and was never taught about Black history, and why it is celebrated.
I also showcased 3 inspirational Black women who are pioneers in health. I shared the stories of Mary Seacole, who nursed soldiers during the Crimean war, and Kofoworola Abeni Pratt, the first Black woman to work in the NHS. I also spotlighted Ginny Wanjiro, a remarkable intensive care Sister at the Trust, who launched an initiative to care for the hair of her diverse patients.
I'm proud of my cultural heritage, and sharing this with my colleagues made me feel more valued about working in my team. One of my colleagues said that this was the first time that they had celebrated Black History Month in their team in all their 20 years of working at the Trust.
What message would you like to share during Black History Month?
Black history is not just for a month, it is for a lifetime.
The past contributions of Black people haven't always been widely told, but their stories can give us hope.
I would consider it a great acheivement to inspire just one person by sharing the meaning of Black History Month.

Thank you to the children and young people who have so brilliantly illustrated our blog pages.