We have a full children’s imaging service within Evelina London Children’s Hospital thanks to investment and expansion of our facilities. The department provides 24/7 full comprehensive paediatric diagnostic imaging including x-rays, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, CT and MRI to hospital services and local communities, with further support to the south London network.
In 2020/21, we built a brand-new interventional imaging area (South Pole) with state-of-the-art equipment including a new 1.5T MRI scanner with direct access to the intervention suit (X-MR) for hybrid procedures, a procedure/anaesthetic room and 3 recovery beds. There is a second MRI area (North Pole) with a recently installed 3T scanner and procedure/anaesthetic room.
Both MRI areas are in child-friendly facilities that have been designed to maintain the privacy and dignity of our patients. A full-time play specialist prepares and supports children and their families before and during more complex scans helping to reduce the need for general anaesthesia in most of our cases. We have the first UK ''Rocket MRI simulator'' where children can experience how their scan will be, and become able to overcome any nerves or anxiety, meaning they are less likely to need an anaesthetic.