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  1. Celebrating six months of award-winning art

    Celebrating six months of award-winning art

    28 June 2018

    Budding artists from Evelina London have seen their artwork published on the cover of a prestigious medical journal for the first six months of 2018.

  2. New films for children with hearing loss

    New films for children with hearing loss

    22 June 2018

    A series of films have been created by the Evelina London audiology team to support children and young people with hearing loss, and their families.

  3. Lambeth is a friendly place to breastfeed

    Lambeth is a friendly place to breastfeed

    16 May 2018

    Mothers joined in the celebrations as health visitors and midwives from Guy's and St Thomas' achieved UNICEF Baby Friendly status. The community team, supported by Lambeth Council's children's centres, received the Baby Friendly Initiative full accreditation (Stage 3).

  4. Budding cricketer thanks Evelina London for life-changing treatment

    Budding cricketer thanks Evelina London for life-changing treatment

    14 May 2018

    A teenager who was never expected to walk or talk is now in a national cricket team thanks to treatment he received at Evelina London Children's Hospital.

  5. May's art competition winner has a passion for art

    May's art competition winner has a passion for art

    3 May 2018

    Young people treated at Evelina London Children's Hospital have enjoyed seeing their artwork on the front cover of prestigious medical journal, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

  6. Heart patients launch new pacemaker guide for teenagers

    Heart patients launch new pacemaker guide for teenagers

    2 May 2018

    Evelina London patients have created a booklet to help other young people who are living with a pacemaker.

  7. Congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

    Congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

    23 April 2018

    Their Royal Highnesses have named Evelina London Children's Hospital as their chosen charity for anyone wishing to make a donation to mark the birth of their third child.

  8. Meet young artist Faisal, April's cover competition winner

    Meet young artist Faisal, April's cover competition winner

    19 April 2018

    Young people treated at Evelina London Children's Hospital have enjoyed seeing their artwork on the front cover of prestigious medical journal, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

  9. New blood test centre halves waiting times

    New blood test centre halves waiting times

    13 April 2018

    Young people and families are benefiting from shorter waiting times for blood tests thanks to the new children's blood test centre.

  10. UK's first rocket MRI simulator lands at Evelina London

    UK's first rocket MRI simulator lands at Evelina London

    22 March 2018

    A new rocket-shaped MRI simulator is helping children at Evelina London to overcome their fears about having a real scan.

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