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  1. A schoolgirl can walk and talk thanks to care at Evelina London

    A schoolgirl can walk and talk thanks to care at Evelina London

    27 January 2020

    A girl who was locked in her body is now able to talk and take steps after receiving life-changing treatment.

  2. Evelina London's giant lego model

    Evelina London's giant lego model

    10 January 2020

    Our hospital has been brought to life with a model replica made of 60,000 LEGO pieces.

  3. Youth Takeover Day 2019

    Youth Takeover Day 2019

    12 December 2019

    Young people took over Evelina London for a day as part of a national event.

  4. Christmas tree decorating with the Archbishop of Canterbury

    Christmas tree decorating with the Archbishop of Canterbury

    11 December 2019

    Three patients from Evelina London helped the Archbishop of Canterbury decorate a Christmas Tree at Lambeth Palace.

  5. Evelina London lights up the London Eye

    Evelina London lights up the London Eye

    6 December 2019

    An iconic London landmark was lit up in Evelina London's logo colours to celebrate their 150th anniversary, with the assistance of some very special young helpers.

  6. Young people from Evelina London helping to build Lambeth Palace Library

    Young people from Evelina London helping to build Lambeth Palace Library

    6 December 2019

    Patients enjoyed building their versions of the new Lambeth Palace Library with the help of the developers Knight Harwood, teachers from Evelina Hospital School and play specialists.

  7. Get the GiST

    Get the GiST

    19 November 2019

    A special edition of the Guy's and St Thomas' quarterly magazine, the GiST, celebrating Evelina London's 150th birthday, is out now

  8. Baby's life saved after pioneering intensive care treatment

    Baby's life saved after pioneering intensive care treatment

    15 November 2019

    The smallest baby in the UK to receive a pioneering life support treatment has celebrated her first birthday thanks to Evelina London.

  9. Neonatal patient grows up to be a neonatal doctor

    Neonatal patient grows up to be a neonatal doctor

    29 October 2019

    A woman who was born two and half months early is now a doctor that cares for premature babies at Evelina London.

  10. Our Inspiring Youth Conference encourages young people to "dream big"

    Our Inspiring Youth Conference encourages young people to "dream big"

    28 October 2019

    Speakers at Evelina London's Inspiring Youth Conference, including Dr Ranj and Dr Ronx, have encouraged young people to pursue their goals and take control of their health.

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