A-Z of patient leaflets by title

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This page lists our patient information leaflets by their title. View leaflets listed by department.

As part of your child's care, you should receive information about their appointment, test, operation or anything you need to do when you return home. If you have not received the relevant information, please speak to your doctor or nurse. 

Every leaflet is reviewed at least every three years to make sure it is kept up to date.

  • Baby Diary

    This leaflet gives information for parents about the 'BadgerNet Baby Diary'.
  • Back to school after illness

    This leaflet gives advice and coping strategies for helping your child as they resume normal activities after illness.
  • Barium enema

    The aim of this leaflet is to help answer some of the questions you may have about your child having a barium enema.
  • Barium follow-through examination

    The aim of this leaflet is to help answer some of the questions you may have about your child having a barium follow-through examination.
  • Barium swallow/meal examination

    The aim of this leaflet is to help answer some of the questions you may have about your child having a barium swallow or meal examination.
  • Bath boards

    This leaflet explains how to measure for a bath board.
  • Becoming a breast milk donor

    Information about donating breast milk for vulnerable babies, including how the process works and what you will need to do.
  • Bedwetting (enuresis) in children with sickle cell disease

    This leaflet offers more information about bedwetting in children with sickle cell disease (SCD), including why it is more common amongst children with SCD and what you can do to help.
  • Bladder and bowel diary

    Information leaflet and diary to help parents/carers keep a record of their child's bladder and bowel functions.
  • Blocked tear ducts

    Information about having a procedure to clear your tear ducts.
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Give us your feedback

We value your feedback. If you have any comments about our patient information, please email healthcontent@gstt.nhs.uk

Any comments we receive are kept on file for us to consider when the leaflet is next reviewed.



  • About your child's cleft lip or vomer flap surgery
    Information about your child's cleft lip or vomer flap surgery including what you will need to do before the operation and how to prepare, what will happen afterwards and how to care for your child. You can also find the team's contact details for questions or support.
  • About your child's cleft palate surgery
    Information about your child's cleft palate surgery including what you will need to do before the operation and how to prepare, what will happen afterwards, eating and drinking, and how to care for your child. You can also find the team's contact details for questions or support.
  • About your child's secondary speech surgery
    Information about your child's secondary speech surgery including what you will need to do before the operation and how to prepare, what will happen afterwards, eating and drinking, and how to care for your child. You can also find the team's contact details for questions or support.
  • Accessory digit surgery
    Information about surgery to remove your child's extra little fingers or toes (accessory digits).
  • ACE inhibitors
    Information about your child taking ACE inhibitors.
  • Achondroplasia
    Achondroplasia is the most common form of disproportionate short stature (DSS). Achondroplasia (dwarfism or restricted growth) changes how the bones develop which affects the way children grow, particularly their upper arms and thighs.
  • Acute maternal hyperoxygenation testing
    Information about a test called acute maternal hyperoxygenation. This test measures your unborn baby's response to oxygen if they have a heart problem (congenital heart disease).
  • Allergies, dating and relationships
    Information for teenagers and young people about how allergies can affect dating and relationships.
  • Allergy service
    Information about what to expect from your appointment with the allergy service for children, based at St Thomas' Hospital.
  • Allergy service - follow-up and discharge
    Information about the follow up and discharge from the allergy service at Evelina London Children's Hospital.
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