Evelina London Children's Charity


Our dedicated charity, Evelina London Children's Charity supports us to provide compassionate, trailblazing care for children and their families. They also help care for our amazing teams at Evelina London.

Together we can continue to transform children and families' experiences of care.

How our charity helps

Thanks to generous donations, Evelina London Children's Charity funds projects and equipment across Evelina London that go beyond what the NHS can provide. This includes improving patient and parent experience, buying new state-of-the-art equipment, testing innovative approaches, and supporting our hardworking teams.

Just a few examples of how our charity helps are:

  • making Evelina London feel more like home, with wards that provide a sanctuary for families and a play space for children
  • helping to push the boundaries of care by investing in the latest equipment and pioneering technology
  • supporting the devoted team who are at the heart of what makes Evelina London so amazing
  • bringing our experts' imaginations to life by funding world-leading research and developing innovative ways to transform care

From small moments of intense compassion to big leaps in innovation, our charity helps fuel the everyday incredible moments at Evelina London. Find out more on the Evelina London Children's Charity website.

Contact us

Phone: 020 8106 5435

The phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Email: Hello@evelinacharity.org.uk

Our charity team aim to answer emails within 3 working days.

Donate now

Make a donation to support Evelina London Children's Charity today.