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News from Evelina London
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Friday, 13 May 2022

Experts have published the first international guidance on this rare condition, deveoped in collaboration with clinicians and families worldwide.

Monday, 09 May 2022

A father has celebrated his son's first birthday by praising our children's hospital for saving the little boy's life.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Parents, Jenny and Billy, ran the London Landmarks half marathon to raise money for our cardiology team after they treated their baby daughter for a rare congenital heart defect.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Experts at our children's hospital are raising awareness of the importance of recycling inhalers to children and young people.

Monday, 04 April 2022

Our children's hospital has become one of the first in the UK to appoint a clinical nurse specialist for a rare inflammatory condition linked to COVID-19.

Wednesday, 09 March 2022

A project to help improve the aftercare of children and young people undergoing cardiology surgery has won three awards.

Monday, 07 March 2022

Evelina London, as well as hospitals across Guy's and St Thomas', has been awarded funding to continue to world-leading research for children and young people.

Friday, 04 March 2022

Children's allergy clinical nurse specialist, Prabalini Thaventhiran, will take on her first half-marathon on Sunday 6 March to celebrate the life of Dr Marta Krawiec.

Tuesday, 01 March 2022

Evelina London is inviting children in South London aged five to 11 who are most at risk of COVID-19 to get vaccinated.

Monday, 28 February 2022

The Fetal Medicine Foundation has donated £1.5 million to King's College London to fund ground-breaking research to advance the care of pregnant women and their babies in south east London.

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