Have you spotted our Progress Pride Badges?
Our Progress Pride Badges help us to show that Evelina London is an open, non-judgemental and inclusive place for people who identify as LGBT+.
The badge signals that the wearer is someone you can talk to about issues of sexuality and gender identity. They are there to listen, respond without judgement, and get support for you if you need it.
The new badge design builds on the NHS Rainbow Badge project that began at Evelina London in 2019 to promote a message of inclusion for patients who identify as LGBT+. The Trust remains part of the NHS Rainbow Badge project, which is now a national assessment and accreditation model allowing Trusts to demonstrate their commitment to reducing barriers to healthcare for LGBT+ people.
Read more about the Progress Pride Badge on our Guy’s and St Thomas’ website.
Information for young people
Talking about sexuality and gender, and how you feel about it, can be difficult, especially at first.
People wearing a progress pride badge are there to listen, support and to help you to seek help if you need it.
There are some great resources and support networks for young people:
Juno Dawson’s This Book Is Gay, written by a young adult author and former PSHE teacher, is a book that aims to ‘smash the myths and prejudices surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity’.

The history of our NHS rainbow badges
The NHS Rainbow badges, which started life at Evelina London, grew from a conversation and shared experiences between colleagues. The initiative aimed to make a positive difference by promoting a message of inclusion.
Many young LGBT+ people say that they do not have an adult they can turn to or confide in. We believe that people who work in healthcare can play a key role in making things better.
You may still see people wearing an original NHS Rainbow Badge at Evelina London and other NHS Trusts. The Pride Progress Badge is the latest version of our commitment to promote inclusion.
Staff have told us why they wear the badge
"Because I support all communities."
"Because everyone deserves to have the same treatment and be respected equally no matter who they love or how they decide to live their lives."
“I believe in everything it represents and I am proud to wear it!”
“To show my support for all people regardless of sexuality and demonstrate they can speak openly with me.”
"Sometimes when working in PICU a baby will have 2 mums and I’ve noticed that some parents haven’t always felt comfortable being open with all staff members. Once I saw a mum looking at my badge and after that she knew it was ok to just be herself. She knew she was accepted, could be open and not judged."
"I love my badge and wear it with pride. I’ve had a conversation about my badge when travelling on the bus to do a home visit. An older man asked why there were rainbows for the NHS everywhere. I commented that the rainbow was to show support for LGBT+ patients and staff. We then had a long discussion how things have changed in society since he was a young man. It was an enriching discussion for both of us."